Underwater Egress Training
Aircraft Specific
SSTL provides realistic performance based Underwater Egress Training for aircrews reacting to a rotary or fixed wing aircraft ditching emergency. These programs have been delivered to Canadian and international military and parapublic (air ambulance, law enforcement, SAR) aviation clients. Beginning in 1996, the programs designed and delivered by SSTL have trained hundreds of thousands of aviation personnel under direct contract or through third parties.
EBS (Emergency Breathing Systems)
Helicopter Rescue Hoist Training
SSTL has identified a training need by both Military and Civil aviation clients to effectively perform practical Rescue hoist training that addresses the unique roles and responsibilities of pilots, hoist operators, SAR technicians and rescue swimmers responding to an offshore/over-land/over-ship rescue/ditching emergency in benign or adverse weather conditions.

Winter/Land Survival
This program is designed to provide participants with the skills and knowledge to:
- React to a forced landing (land-based) emergency
- Care for themselves in a winter survival situation
- Utilize available survival equipment
- Participate to the maximum extent in their rescue.