Survival Systems Training Limited
40 Mount Hope Avenue
Woodside Ocean Industries Park
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia   Canada B2Y 4K9


Please note that courses at SSTL require certain practical exercises that involve physically intensive training.

For Offshore, Aviation and Marine Courses:

All trainees may be required to participate in practical in-water pool exercises which include:

  • Submersion
  • Swimming
  • Jumping from height
  • Rescue hoisting

For Industrial Courses:

SSTL’s industrial rescue training courses involve rigorous practical exercises with significant physical demands.  Please note that during the training program, you will be required to perform the following activities as a physically fit participant:

  • Lift and manipulate another trainee with a second rescuer
  • Manipulate another trainee up, down and across representative confined space openings
  • Hoist another trainee upwards using a rope mechanical advantage system (1/3 or 1/4 of the person’s weight)

Due to the physical requirements of these industrial rescue courses, they are not recommended for persons who have pre-existing back, joint or soft tissue medical issues or any other pre-existing injury/medical condition that may hinder your ability to participate in the above noted activities.


A valid medical certificate is required from all trainees.  It is required that trainees have a valid offshore, seafarer’s, diver’s, or pilot’s medical certificate for participation. Official medicals will be accepted until their date of expiry (an expiry date MUST be clearly stated on the medical to be accepted).  Where there is no expiration date clearly stated on the medical, then the medical has to be within one year from the initial exam (all medicals will bear a date of examination).

In absence of the aforementioned medicals, trainees may have a Survival Systems Training in-house “Fitness Certification Form” completed by their family physician. The “Fitness Certification Form” does not constitute an Offshore medical and thus will only be accepted for training within three months of issue.

WITHOUT EXCEPTION, trainees who arrive without a current medical certificate will be refused the course and the company/individual will be charged an administration fee for cancellation.


Classes are conducted from 0800 to 1700.  Throughout the course, it is imperative that the trainees be on time as lack of punctuality could cause them to miss essential parts of the training.  Trainees who are absent for parts of the program will not be issued a certification until they have completed the entire course.


Trainees will require clothing appropriate for the different course activities and should bring a kit bag with the following items:

For Offshore and Marine Courses

  • A FULL change of indoor and outdoor clothing
  • Suitable clothing for water immersion (pool exercises), towel, and wool socks
  • During cold weather, outdoor clothing such as warm hats, gloves, boots, jacket and scarf for exercises held at the dock and at sea.

For Aviation (HUET) Courses:

  • Suitable clothing to be worn inside an immersion/aviation survival suit (e.g. t-shirts, shorts, track pants, socks, bathing suits. NO jeans, jackets, cargo pants, outerwear)

 For Industrial Courses

  • CSA approved work boots
  • Coveralls
  • Suitable clothing for rigorous working indoors/outdoors

For Marine Small Craft Courses (OSCL, FRC, SVOP):

  • Work clothing and weather appropriate outerwear including boots suitable for boat work
  • SSTL provides work immersion suits or floater vests for courses conducted in Dartmouth

Shower facilities are available


A note book and pen will be provided.


Free vehicle parking is available at 40 Mount Hope Avenue.  Transportation from Survival Systems Training to the various training sites will be provided.


Trainees are responsible for obtaining their own lunch from 1200 to 1300.  This time slot can vary depending on student numbers and scheduling factors.


To register, call 1-800-788-3888 or contact the Registrar at 902.465.3888 x103 or via email at training@sstl.com .


Companies with no established credit history with Survival Systems Training Limited will be required to pay course fees in full by credit card or wire transfer in advance of training.  A Registration Form completed and submitted prior to course.

Individuals are required to pay a $200 deposit upon registration.  Remaining course fees are DUE IN FULL on the first day of class and can be paid by cash or credit card.  PERSONAL CHEQUES ARE NOT ACCEPTED.


The $200 deposit will be forfeited for all cancellations under three (3) business days, regardless of reason.


In view of the fact that course fees are based upon the courses offered being fully subscribed, the following cancellation policy will be enforced.  The clients will be responsible for:

A $500 administration fee per person for all cancellations under three (3) working days, regardless of reason.  If the cost of the course is less than the $500 administration fee, the full course fee will be forfeited.

For customized or client specific training programs, the client has to provide the minimum number of trainees.  If the full course is cancelled, regardless of reason or time frame, the client will be charged a $500 administration fee per person (up to minimum number).  If course commences, and less than the minimum number participants attend, the client is responsible to pay for the full course fee per person up to the minimum number.


For the safety of the trainee, other trainees on course and instructors, it is our policy that NO ALCOHOL OR DRUGS be consumed by trainees during scheduled course time (including lunch breaks).  Trainees abusing this policy will not be allowed to complete the program and they, or their company, will be charged the full course fee.